To change any
information about your MindSpring account, use the User Info
screen, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: User Info screen (Windows)
These fields define your individual Dial-Up account. The information included here is critical to getting connected to the Internet (except for the Full Name, which can be anything you want).
Full Name - Type your full name.
User ID - Be sure to type your user ID in lowercase letters.
User Pass: Type your mailbox password (each character you type appears as an asterisk on the screen to protect the confidentiality of your password).
Mailbox Name - Type your mailbox name in lowercase letters.
Mailbox Pass - Type your mailbox password (each character you type appears as an asterisk on the screen to protect the confidentiality of your password).
State/Cntry/Prov - Select your state, country, or province from the list box.
City - Select your city from the list box.
Conn Type - Select a connection type from the list box.
Domain (Windows 95 only) - This information is added during installation, but can be modified .
Modem (Windows 95 only) - Will display your modem type here.
Area Code (Windows 95 only) - This information is added during Setup, but can be modified.
Access # (Windows 95 only) - This information is added during Setup, but can be modified.
Dial Prefix (Windows 95 only) - If you must dial a prefix before the access number, such as 9 for an outside line, select the dial prefix from the list box.
Use Area Code (Windows 95 only) - Check this box if you must dial an area code to call the access number.
Use Dial Prefix (Windows 95 only) - Check this box if you must dial a prefix before the access number. (For example if you must dial 9 for an outside line).
Enable Password Security - Check this box if you would like to password protect your MindSpring access. If the box is checked, you will be required to enter your password before dialing up MindSpring.
Modify Application Settings - When checked, this feature changes your e-mail address or mail/server configuration to match and POP changes you have made in this configuration.
To change any information about your modem, use the Modem Configuration screen, as shown in Figure 3. These fields define the modem settings. The combination of the Init string and Speed are important when your modem and our modem try to negotiate a connection.